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Tiga Titik Lenyap

Dengan melihat angka kematian akibat covid-19 dan penambahan jumlah kasus baru yang turun signifikan di seluruh dunia s…

4 Earthquake

User Time Zone. The first reports indicate that the telluric movement was intensely perceived. Northr…

Maybank Gold Price History

Keep investing in MIGA-i to be in the running to win the monthly prize of 10g gold and the grand prize. Malaysia busine…

Total Surface Area of Cube

A cube has six identical square sides. The formula for surface area is equal to six times of square of length of the si…

Notis Perletakan Jawatan Sebulan

Jika terdapat percanggahan antara Akta Kontrak 1950 dengan common law maka peruntukan pada Akta Kontrak akan mengatasi …

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